Cold storage
Cold storage; It provides the isolation of the products to be stored in the warehouses from the external environment conditions and providing the spaces to be kept at the desired temperature and humidity values during the shelf life.
Cold Storage; It differs according to the type of product to be stored, product property, desired temperature and desired humidity value. However, in general, the classification can be made as follows.
Product Preparation Rooms; + 16 ° C and + 12 ° C temperature range
Pre-Cooling Rooms; + 10 ° C and + 5 ° C temperature range
Cold rooms; + 5 ° C and -5 ° C temperature range
Frozen rooms; -18 ° C and -25 ° C temperature range
Ice Cream Rooms; -22 ° C and -30 ° C temperature range
Blasting Rooms; -30 ° C and -40 ° C temperature range
Cold Storage Areas
Food industry, Supermarkets, Chain stores
Patisserie and Bakery Products
Hotels and Restaurants
Meat and Meat Products Processing and Storage Facilities
Dairy and Dairy Products Processing and Storage Facilities
Vegetables and Fruits
Fish and Seafood Processing and Storage Facilities
Frozen Product Processing and Storage Facilities
Chemical, Pharmaceutical and Medical Products Processing and Storage Facilities
Hospital and Laboratory
Waste and Garbage Processing and Storage Facilities
Modular and Container Type Product Processing and Storage Facilities
In general, it can be mentioned as sectors using cold storage.